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hpialarms(1) OpenHPI hpialarms(1)


hpialarms - A openhpi sample application that shows "Alarm Control" management instruments


hpialarms [-a -b -c -i -m -n -p -o -x]


hpialarms walks the RPT (Resource Present Table) for resouces that have "Alarm Control" management instruments (SAHPI_CTRL_LED).


 -c1  sets Critical Alarm on
 -c0  sets Critical Alarm off
 -m1  sets Major Alarm on
 -m0  sets Major Alarm off
 -n1  sets Minor Alarm on
 -n0  sets Minor Alarm off
 -p1  sets Power Alarm on
 -p0  sets Power Alarm off
 -i5  sets Chassis ID on for 5 sec
 -i0  sets Chassis ID off
 -a1  sets Disk A fault on
 -a0  sets Disk A fault off
 -b1  sets Disk B fault on
 -b0  sets Disk B fault off
 -d[byte] sets raw Alarm byte
 -o   sets all Alarms off
 -x   show eXtra debug messages


 hpialarmpanel ver 0.6
 RptInfo: UpdateCount = 5, UpdateTime = 8a2dc6c0
 rptentry[0] resourceid=1 tag: Mullins
 RDR[45]: ctltype=2:1 oem=0  Chassis Identify Control
 RDR[48]: ctltype=0:1 oem=10 Front Panel Power Alarm LED         state = off
 RDR[51]: ctltype=0:1 oem=13 Front Panel Minor Alarm LED         state = ON
 RDR[46]: ctltype=0:0 oem=0  Cold Reset Control
 RDR[49]: ctltype=0:1 oem=11 Front Panel Critical Alarm LED      state = off
 RDR[50]: ctltype=0:1 oem=12 Front Panel Major Alarm LED         state = off



Authors of this man page:

 Peter D Phan (
2009-11-23 2.14.1